#HoldMeToIt #EMyth and social media

Hello again - back on this blog platform. I will be centralizing North Creek's messaging going forward - but this blog is still the best place to read what I'm thinking.

EMyth wants to raise their profile over the New Year, and I'm happy to help them out - "The E-Myth Revisited" is one of the formative books of this entrepeneurial journey, and I look forward to following through on the business design that follows from the discovery of product-market fit (from Steve Blank).

So, in January 2015, North Creek Software will launch our Beta, listen to our testers, and iterate until we have something that is really valuable to today's dynamic workplace. #HoldMeToIt.

2015 is the year that I quit relying on my wife to pay the bills and start giving her holidays! #HoldMeToIt.

Thanks for making me make my goals explicit, #EMyth!

Categories: Books , Business